ホテル >
Waterfront Wynyard Motor Inn Wynyard

Waterfront Wynyard Motor Inn Wynyard is located directly on the Inglis River and is only a few minutes drive from the Burnie /Wynyard airport. Explore the scenic walks of Wynyard, visit one of many gardens open to the public and take a wilderness flight, tour the Emu farm or taste cheese from the Tassie Factory. The property’s central location in the Northwest makes it an ideal location to discover or to do business in the area. The inn provides 25 motel style rooms that are comfortable and well maintained. Efficient room service is also available for your convenience. At the onsite, a cafe and restaurant, which is open 7 days a week for breakfast and dinner as well as lunches from Wednesday to Sunday, are offered for your plesaure.
ホテル名 |
Waterfront Wynyard Motor Inn Wynyard
都市 |
バーニー |
エリア |
町または村 |
ランク |
3.5 star |
Waterfront Wynyard Motor Inn Wynyard のホテル料金 |
客室設備 |
ケーブル/衛星放送付きテレビ、へアードライヤー、インターネットのアクセス、アイロンとアイロン台、モデム/データポートの接続、専用のバスルーム/エンスイート、ラジオ、コーヒー紅茶セット、電話 |
ホテル設備 |
ビジネスセンター、カフェ、カクテルバー、会議設備、ランドリー設備、ラウンジ、駐車場、レセプション、レストラン、ルームサービス、セーフティーボックス |
アクセス |
Distance to Burnie airport:15 min by car |
住所 |
Adjacent to the Wharf 1 Goldie Street Wynyard TAS 7325 |
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