ホテル >
Wilpena Pound Resort

Wilpena Pound Resort is located in the Flinders Ranges National Park in South Australia. Located on the banks of Wilpena Creek, the property is amid the stately red gums and native pines. The resort offers guests and travellers warm, outback hospitality and a wide range services and facilities to cater for all tastes. A welcoming haven, Wilpena Pound Resort is an oasis in a rugged land for families, groups and backpackers alike. All the 60 guestrooms are well equipped with modern amenities. The evening conversations in Poddy Dodgers Bar are lively, as guests from all over the world, relive the adventures of the day. Dine at Captain Starlight's Restaurant, or use one of the casual barbecue areas for an informal Aussie barbecue. For recreation, a swimming pool is provided for the guests. In addition, the resort also organises a wide variety of leisure activities.
ホテル名 |
Wilpena Pound Resort
都市 |
ウィルピナ |
エリア |
フリンダースレンジ |
ランク |
4 star |
Wilpena Pound Resort のホテル料金 |
客室設備 |
エアコン、ケーブル/衛星放送付きテレビ、へアードライヤー、アイロンとアイロン台、簡易キッチン、電子レンジ、専用のバスルーム/エンスイート、ラジオ、冷蔵庫、コーヒー紅茶セット |
ホテル設備 |
カフェ、カクテルバー、会議設備、ハンディキャップの方用の設備、インターネットアクセス、ランドリー設備、ラウンジ、屋外スイミングプール、駐車場、レセプション、レストラン |
アクセス |
住所 |
Wilpena Road, Flinders Ranges Via Hawker SA 5434 |
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